We are all but cameo appearances.
First, a small baby just out of the womb
Then, a small child learning everything for the first time

As the seasons change
We go to school
Then graduation

We enter the school of life
And continue to enroll into
Deeper and deeper learning

When asked about the biggest lesson
We find it hard to say
As each has its own difficulty

Now we are old
We clutch the bag of wisdom
Keep it close

Did we pay close attention?
If so, why do we often feel at a loss?
Struggle for the right answer

for Sumana's prompt at What's Going On? A Cameo Appearance


  1. Every word is so true from the first line to the final.

    "Did we pay close attention?
    If so, why do we often feel at a loss?
    Struggle for the right answer"
    It's so important to live a life of 'awareness' from the very beginning, from our dawn yet the 'bag of wisdom' will only come after experiences. Sigh.

  2. I really enjoyed your perspective! What a unique take on the prompt. Clever and true.

  3. "Did we pay close attention?" Love how all the cameos add up to this challenging question.


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