I love a rainy day!
Rain makes everything an adventure
Even small errands seem exciting
Umbrella clutching, puddle skipping

In the Southwest
It is either flood or famine
Water rushes down the Arroyos,
Making roads Impossible

The desert knows what to do
Plants spring to life
Suck up every drop
The lizards earlier

Sunning themselves on rocks
There is never enough water
Otherwise, you wouldn’t
Call it a desert

With the hot
Dry days of summer
Fires begin, race across
Forests and plains

Homes are lost
And everything precious
To the hungry fires
People flee

Sometimes, not soon enough
Animals left behind
To the inferno
Tragically, die before morning

There is a transformation
That happens to the land
And yet, the grass returns
Animals return


  1. I love the puddle skipping. I can only imagine the beauty of the desert after rain, with the plants popping up. It must be so lovely. I love this poem, Annell.

  2. p.s. Rain must be especially welcome in wildfire season.

  3. "Rain makes everything an adventure
    Even small errands seem exciting
    Umbrella clutching, puddle skipping"

    These little joys make our day. How wonderful a desert might look after the great transformation! I love imagining this. A beautiful poem, Annell.

  4. love how this poem flows and draws me in. It is really quite exquisite.

  5. I am sure rain is a treasure there. I like the idea that despite what haopens grass, animals, life returns!

  6. And yet, the grass returns
    Animals return - it's sad that with climate change the wildfire seasons will get longer and worsen so the ability for nature to renew itself will degrade. I like what you say about the desert knowing what to do!


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