April, the fourth month
At last we are over the holidays

The tree has been put away

Ornaments carefully wrapped


Other holidays have come and gone

The weather is milder

Tiny green shoots are coming up

Some afternoons are actually warm


The sun shines brightly

Except when it snows

The weather has been a little confused

This year


Usually there is a freeze and snow in April

But this year it seems there has been

More snow

Difficult to go


Today the sky is clear

No clouds

Only New Mexico blue

As far as you can see


The day begins early

With a promise


  1. I love the image of that New Mexico blue sky, and the day beginning early with a promise. Lovely.

  2. You have really described your April well. One really does NOT want to see snow in April.

  3. "The weather has been a little confused

    This year"....This is a very important message Annell. This is seen all over the world. I like the April day beginning with a promise.

  4. Really beautifully written, it captures the changing of everything around you. Well done.

  5. Even as the weather confuses, April's "promise" still awaited with the dawn. Beautiful.

  6. I love that close. I often feel that same way here in Arizona. (It's beginning to heat up quite a bit here! Yesterday was 92 degrees.)

  7. I enjoyed the passage and packing away of holidays coming to the month of April. There is a clash of expectancy and reality when April turns to summer on us.


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