


it seems one has to reach a "certain age"

before it is possible to really look back

see what is in the rear view mirror

from here I can see...

onece opon a time    life began for me 

Memorial Hospital, Houston, Texas

my parents Edward and Myrle

were thrilled        another girl

girls were popular in our family

I was a little girl who liked to sweep

a repetitive process that has continued

throughout my life

not sweeping, but painting and drawing

something to be done over and over

once is never enough

paint layered over paint

visual expression has always been first

I grew up and married my high school sweetheart

we adopted a Son, a boy named Jim

it wasn't always easy, as no life is

my Husband's life came to an end

I had to find a place "to be"

I moved to Taos, NM

land of enchantment

there is magic in death

most will tell you so

always different

always the same

so here I am 

on a mesa

above town

I can see for miles and miles

I can see "Georgia's Mountain" in the west

she said, "she painted it so often

God gave it to her"

in toas it is said, "Either the Mountain

accepts you or not."  

and if not, you will flee

I am grateful    the Mountain has accepted me

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